Who is MyCoach?
MyCoach is Kathy Harmon, a Certified Property Manager (CPM®) and Accredited Residential Manager (ARM®), awarded designations by the Institute for Real Estate Management (“IREM”); a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA®); and a Certified Residential Manager (CRM®).
She started as a part-time caretaker and weekend leasing agent for a 270-unit apartment property in Minneapolis, then became the property manager for a 325-unit building and later served as the regional manager for a 2,500-unit apartment portfolio.
She later became the owner of McKenna Management Associates, AMO®, a property management company with a portfolio of 5,000 apartment and condominium units, including “A”-grade market-rate, tax credit, and Section 8 apartment units, together with one million square feet of commercial space. She’s co-authored six industry-specific textbooks and delivered more than 31,000 hours of live training.
Kathy develops and maintains close relationships with MY COACH participants, calling and emailing them several times a month. And she’s available 12/7/365 for personal coaching and to answer questions, TO chat informally, and even TO role-play.